Eat together, Play together, Grow up together
”more than a house TOKYO(モアザンアハウス)”は、東京に在る、みんなで助け合い生活を豊かにしあうコミュニティ意識を持った人たちが住む低層マンションです。各世帯完全に区切られたプライベートの居室にプラスして、共同で利用可能なコミュニティスペースをもって、「社会をシェアし、社会とつながる」生活を送っています。
”more than a house TOKYO” is an apartment house in Tokyo Japan for people who have a community-mind to enrich the quality of life, helping each other with neighborhood residents. The house provides shared spaces in addition to private rooms for each family and let us have a life with sharing, connecting with and growing up in diverse society.
About our house
プチ菜園(Vege-garden)3F | Rented Room
賃貸住居(301 | 302)2F | Rented Room
賃貸住居(201)1F | Shared&Private Room
コミュニティリビング(Shared Living-room)
ゲストルーム(Guest Room)
管理人住居(Founder's private room)"モアザンアハウス"は文京区本駒込という閑静な住宅街に立地する3階建ての低層マンションです。戦前から駒込の地に住む「東京人」家系の住宅を、つながりを感じながら日々の生活を送ることのできる「コミュニティハウジング」として運営しています。
More than a house is located in Komagome(駒込) Bunkyo area(文京区), which is a quiet residential and educational area where there are lots of Japanese historical places, and it used to be for a family who had been in Komagome before WWⅡ. We renovated this house as “Community housing” – which provides us a life with sharing, connecting with and growing up in diverse societies.
We can use a shared living space on the ground floor, rooftop terrace and “Nokisaki(軒先)” – a tiny space in front of the house to do social events and experimental attempts and have just a comfortable life like having meal with community members.
夏場は祭りや盆踊りがひらかれ、神輿がまちなかを闊歩する。秋には六義園が紅葉を迎え、冬を越え春になると、桜「ソメイヨシノ」がまちを桃色に染め上げる(駒込はソメイヨシノの発祥の地)。表立って目立ったまちではないのだけれど、まちから季節を感じ、日本や東京らしさを感じることのできる、それが駒込というまちです。City of Komagome
Komagome, a north part of Yamanote line(山手線) is a little away from the center of Tokyo. We can escape from the hustle and bustle of Tokyo Metropolis and feel the calmness and humanity of people living in “Shitamachi(下町)” – a traditional district.
There are lots of historical and spiritual places such as traditional temples, shrines and “Rikugien(六義園)” – a famous Japanese traditional garden with seasonal greens and flowers. Besides, there are various kinds of cafes, restaurants and bars serving delicious foods.
And it is accessible to not only the center of Tokyo but Ueno and “Yanesen(谷根千)” area where nostalgic and retro local atmosphere remain hugely, and The University of Tokyo which is the first imperial university and one of the most storied and prestigious higher education establishments in Japan.
In summer, traditional festivals are held in shrines and “Mikoshi(神輿)” - portable shrines are carried by local people and march in a parade around the city. Fallen leaves are getting colored in autumn, and “Somei Yoshino(ソメイヨシノ)” - cherry trees originated in Komagome are in full bloom in spring. It is not typical Tokyo’s aspects but you can feel a genuine locality of Tokyo, Japan if you come to “more than a house” in Komagome.
Daily Gathering
週の中日や休日の夜などに、住民を中心に"モアザンアハウス"に共感する方々も招きながら、ごはんを一緒に食べています。 日々のごはんをともにすること、わいわいと会話をすること。 そこから「つながる」営みがはじまると思うのです。
Usually on Wednesday night or weekend, we have dinner with neighborhood residents and outside guests. We think daily gathering to chat with others is a first step to connect with diverse society.
Seasonal Events
We Japanese have a lot of traditional monthly events according to four seasons of Japan. Seasonal events are good opportunities to feel the Japanese nature and tradition, and also enjoy learning about them together.
Visiting Farmers
City life keeps us away from the nature ecosystem. We organise tours to Japanese countryside and experience the nature ecosystem and traditional wisdom to be aware how to enrich our quality of life.
Open for Visitors
We welcome foreign visitors from all over the world to build an international and multilingual community with genuine diversity. We, founders experienced a full of hospitality when we visited many countries. It’s time for us to give it back.
- 不定期メルマガ、始めます!
We send an occasional Newsletter about our Seasonal Events, Visiting Farmers Events or another new opportunities. Please subscribe us!!
Our Vision
Community housing for sharing society and parenting children with diverse families
Novice moms who get tired to take care of children all day long even though it should be happy to have children,
People living alone who do not know the neighbors even though they are away from their home town,
Lonely elderly people who can have conversations only with TV programs…
It is one of the biggest social issue with the trend toward the nuclear family in Tokyo, Japan. We, founders cannot overlook it and that is the reason why we built up a concept of community housing and launched it. We believe the “Community” – networks of neighborhoods and knowing each other globally with genuine policies can solve these issues and enrich the quality of life.
It can provide helping to bring up children each other, connecting with the outside world via non-relatives, laughing together when having meals and chatting together, hanging with various generations and neighborhoods in the local area… Through the network of open mind community, people gather, know each other, learn from each other, and enrich our life together. Through the network of global communities, people cross the frontier into diverse societies and to open up possibilities for us and our children in the future.
That kind of society is our vision and goal. If you empathize with our vision, you are always welcome to join our community and just have dinner with us.
Who lives in “more than a house”?
運営者夫婦の幼少期体験は、このコミュニティハウジング "モアザンアハウス"の立ち上げの動機づけに大きく影響しています。
The childhood experience of the founders led to the establishment of “more than a house”. They grew up among many people not only parents. The wife used to live with her grandparents and spend lots of time with employees of her parents' company. The husband used to grew up with many neighbors, adults and children, so he thought he had many parents and siblings.
This kind of childhood experience brought them valuable effects on their life.
They cannot overlook the problem in the communityless society in Tokyo, Japan which is his roots. If everyone cooperate a little, that helps others a lot and the happiness will spread.
That's why we believe the power of community and community housing! If you are interested in more than a house, please contact us!!